- Who Needs Debate Class? - Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Sooooo its been a busy few days for lindsay and i. we had some company this weekend, monica and durwin, and on our travels thru the city we found a nice pathfinder that was for sale. after a short test drive we decided that it was exactly what we are in need of.

but nothing is ever as simple as it should be when i am involved because well, i have had a tragic case of horrible-bad luck following me for many years now.

first of all there was no way on this green earth that this auto facility (transport) would take my car on a trade in because it was out of province, needed to be safetied and our salesman said that sunfires were not well liked on their lot (i know what your thinking right now, who wouldn't want a sunfire?? EVERYBODY has one, lol). fair enough because selling privately could mean more capital gain but time is of the essence.

a few more days go by and lindsay and i find out that transport is willing to sell us the pathfinder but there are 'conditions on the insurance' and such. alberta insurance is already pain-stakingly annoeying due to the fact that it is not done on a public level, let alone having extras included.

so with trying to be logical and mainly realistic we keep looking and did find another pathfinder. similar yes but truly not the same. options are different on them and one has clearly been taken better care of. and thats the thing, buying used there is just no guarantee so you have to be smart about your choice.

so today we get down to the nitty gritty because we are ready to finalize the deal once a few issues have been sorted out. lindsay contacted our salesman about 8 times in 6 minutes and it went from:

transport: "no, we can not take the sunfire in on trade"

transport: "well i guess you could bring the car down and we can try sell it on consignment"

transport: "you know what? just bring it in, we will buy it"

lol. my lindsay is better than cher in 'clueless' with those debate tactics!! he made me very proud today with his persistence and smarts :)


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i'd like to read a story in the newspaper that ends with "but she was just having a bad dream," ... "really, shes okay." --a softer world.


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