- Easter Weekend -
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Happy Easter Everyone!
i am a holiday-meal-cooker-rookie but this weekend i somehow managed to pull it off (with lots of advice and hot tips from the more experienced). today we sat down to have a turkey dinner prepared a'la-moi. it was quite yummy minus the home made stuffing...yick... but the turkey was good and thats all that really counts anyways.
we are still full from our dinner so we have not made it to the dessert portion of the meal quite yet but i know us, and we will very shortly. a few months ago, i attempted to make a home made punkin'pie but... well.. it did not go so good. to make a short story blunt: i forgot a few ingredients and it was straight-up 100% pumpkin smoothed over a pie shell {gag}. this time 'round i put my pride aside and bought a pre-made pie instead :)
i think its fair to say that remy's first easter was pretty fantastic. he did some visiting with a few fine ladies (auntie monica, ashley & lisa), went out to dinner a few times... and to starbucks too of course! AND our little turkey even made some time for a swim at the leisure centre.

remy says 'thank you very much for all my gifts you guys!'
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He's growing up so fast! Next time we are home we'll have to get Remy and Kash together for a little play! I'm starting to see that Remy looks a lil' like Larry!
**Don't forget to leave comments on mine...I love reading them!!!
congrats on making the toikey all by yourself! that's a big feat. and remy is looking as handsome as always!
These have got to be the cutest pics yet. Sure miss the little man!!
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