- BusyBees With This & That - Tuesday, April 17, 2007

this past week was filled with dentist appointments, hair cuts, gym sessions, installing big-boy car seats and tanning time plus the every day errands. our nights are filled with irregular sleeping patterns caused by remy, who is teething. it just kind of feels like were just going through the motions of being everywhere we need to be and doing the things that need to be done, only to kinda sleep at night, and then do it all over again the next day.

don't get me wrong... i know and understand fully that this is just one of the parts of parenting. this teething business. but coming from a girl who relishes every second of a much needed 8 hours of sleep per night, its just wearing me down thats all.

remy has officially been given crawling status as of 2 days ago. its extremely exciting to watch him but causes some anxiety never knowing what he will get himself into when your eyes are not on him. guess its time to get a move on with that baby gate! {living in a 4 level split has suddenly become much less desirable with a tiny tot on the loose.}

now that i have become a *regular* a the gym, so to speak, remy has gotten some time to play in the daycare they provide. despite one bad night, it's going well. swell even. the one babysitter has a little boy who is 14 months old so twice a week they get a chance to 'play' err pull each others hair. not overly fair considering remy has much more for 'babysitter's son' to grab at but in all truth be told, the babysitter said remy has a really strong grip :) hehe.

and at lindsay's gym right now, they have a very important visitor, ajarn penya, from thailand. he will be teaching the fighters at the mike miles gym traditional muay thai for the next few weeks or so. ajarn penya is very respected at the mike miles gym because he is the man tho taught ajarn mike miles (a.k.a. lindsay's ajarn: 'coach' 'instructor'). lindsay seems to have picked up ajarn penya's accent with no problem, not too sure about the new techniques being offered tho...

not sure what else to mention as i usually don't know whats going on.

case in point: last night. i have had the same cell phone for a year and a half and i went to charge it but could NOT figure out for the life of me where the adaptor plugged in to it. had to ask lindsay for help, ten minutes later we still can't believe that we don't know where the adaptor goes...what shape is my adaptor anyways? circle i think. but we have similar phones so could it be a rectangle? the fact that we even had to have that conversation was creepy.

fifteen minutes later my phone was successfully plugged in to the adaptor.

and it was a circle.

figured this quick post was better than nothing although it may be borderline boring. sorry, i'm sleep deprived and so its hard to get creative.


At Tuesday, April 17, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never boring Kristen!!! Sounds like you guys have been busy though. Maybe Remy should spend some time with this Ajarn Penya guy so he can kick the ass off that little hair puller at the other gym?!? Anyhow, so glad he's crawling, can't wait to check that out!!!!
Auntie Monica

At Thursday, April 19, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No it's not boring, always fun to read the blogs. Can't beleive Remy is crawling, he's growing up way too fast for grandma. I always want them to stay little. Not being able to remember things, that's the start of seniors moments
I know!! all about those moments scary isn't it?


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i'd like to read a story in the newspaper that ends with "but she was just having a bad dream," ... "really, shes okay." --a softer world.


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