- Life As I Knew It, Isn't Anymore :) -
Saturday, January 27, 2007
you might say i am just a mom. i might say your right.
i have been in the business for almost 5 months and it has already turned my world into something i am not sure i can fully describe.
i truly can not wait to wake up each morning because i am so anxious to see what remy will be capable of doing that day beyond the smiles, cuddles and giggles.
once the day is moving along its play time, meaning watching him grab his feet, a toy, roll around or gnaw on his books. all of these activities are always impressing me because he gets better at it every day. yeah, you should see those endless attempts at chewing the cardboardish books, they are really paying off now! the color is even coming off the pages.
after marvelling his progress its time to chill in the rocker with our feet up (tv off tho i have learned, otherwise he doesn't pay attention to me). there is always a special moment to be had in the rocking chair during quality time, here you can say anything to him and he just shows you love right back. next up we run an errand or two. he doesn't care how far we go or how long it takes us just as long as we go. he always smiles when you put on his cute little coat and are tucking him away in his car seat. to a child every day is a new day, there are so many discoveries to be made and he seems to know that car rides offer an abundance of exploration time.
we just kind of fly by the seat of our pants after that but guaranteed it is great stuff and it is filled with an immeasurable amount of time spent doing patty-cake mad libs or dancing in front of the mirror, in between slobber-finger attacks on the glass. i may not have a career on the go and that might make me just a mom, but i'll take it. gladly i will take it. 
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There is no such thing as 'just a mom'. I would imagine it is the hardest and most rewarding "job"
out there! Your comments are so touching!
He is so adorable! Keep the pictures coming!!!!
Yes, Kristen, your life as you once knew it will never be them same. You will always be a Mom.
You must learn to drop the word "just".
So, when are you going to make a roadtrip in our direction ? I am anxious to meet the new guy in your life.
Auntie Kim
this is a very sweet post. your auntie is right about dropping the "just". i know the world doesn't see being a "just" a mom as much success... but the world is always writing off the best things in life. what does the world know anyway?
Certainly agree with the other comments about being more than just a mom
You’re a fantastic sister, always full of good advise and encouragement and you will always read my e-mails that I use to 'vent' with
I have no doubt that you’re an excellent wife as well to another proud parent.
Added to that you’re an avid painter and that takes time and talent.
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