- Constellation Dear - Saturday, December 16, 2006

i went for coffee by myself {and with remy} tonight. i enjoy going by myself because it lets me people watch. i watch their interactions and wonder all sorts of things about them when i don't even know them. not that long ago i saw a grown man, who was also by himself, crying. it really tugged at my heart strings. for some reason, sad eyes always tug at my h. strings, and i'm someone who likes to keep a stranger, a stranger.

it also lets me think. sometimes, even mostly just about myself. this little time of 'self discovery' is nice because there are no distractions unless i allow them {and after travelling as many miles as i have on the greyhound i have learned how to avoid such random annoeyances; a'men to the makers of ipod}.

when i watch people come and go or sit and drink their fancy soy lattes, it gives me a new perspective on certain things. sometimes on things i never would have thought about or realized before. like skinny jeans DO look okay on not just stick-thin waifs but on real people as well. and that beautiful is everywhere and conversation isn't always necessary at my table if i have a warm mocha :)

the next thing you know an hour has gone by and you haven't once been bothered by the thought that your having coffee by yourself because your too busy watching everybody else.


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i'd like to read a story in the newspaper that ends with "but she was just having a bad dream," ... "really, shes okay." --a softer world.


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