- A Post of Pictures Before He turns 7 Months Old -
Sunday, March 25, 2007
remy has had a busy week looking cute in his harley davidson gear, playing air guitar with his dad at chianti's and swinging in his new outdoor swing:
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- (un)Fit Test -
Thursday, March 22, 2007
today was my first day being a membership holder at a gym in calgary. one of their many services provided is a training program, but in order to receive one i had to first endure a fitness test. this is where they check your blood pressure, heart rate, take measurements, watch you do specific exercises...etc.
all day i nervously watched the clock wind down to the 18th hour. i wasn't too interested in seeing what my weight was one a real scale with an audience nor was i overly delighted knowing that somebody was going to be grabbing at my excess nonetheless pastey skin to do a skin fold evaluation.
but my reward was a tanning session at 6:30pm and i guess that was incentive enough to get me out of the door because i showed up with 2 minutes to spare.
the blood pressure and heart rate part wasn't too bad at all. it actually reminded me of my of regular pregnancy check-up appointments, which were also a snap (usually...heh heh *nervous laugh*). i survived my measurements being taken as well but that's because instead of paying attention to the numbers, i was pretending to be fitted for a pretty custom made dress.
then came the skin folds... eeeeeewww. standing in front of a full length mirror under fluorescent lighting doesn't help any situation and it certainly didn't make this one any more enjoyable. prior to every clamp of fat he would say where he was heading next and (here comes the kicker) "is that going to be okay with you?" making it much worse, having to give consent to such torture. each and every single time. come on guy, I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!!!
i didn't mind the steps; it was stepping up on a platform right leg up, left leg up, right leg down, left leg down to the beat of a timer. i started off and then heard "to the beat"...."too fast, to the beat"......."you just..have to step...to the beat".... lol, i'm a white girl with no rhythm, i get it, next exercise please.
we moved on to flexibility. not much to be said there other than he was surprised i had zero... o.k. more like -3" (but in my defense i had my shoes on...and didn't stretch before....and....).
after that was done we did push ups next. push ups. push ups i can do for some odd reason and not the girlie way either. but he didn't know that and suggested i do the girlie way and i didn't argue sooooo i got down to business. 1....6......15........28....30....36..... "your done?" "yep." "hmmm, most people at least slow down first and then you can see they can't handle any more on their last few but you just stopped, could you have done more?" "yep." once i explained that it was 6:32pm and i had a date with the tanning bed, which was kinda the whole reason i came today in the first place, the hell was over.
i, crazily enough, scored off the charts with my wussy push-ups so maybe next time i will try them the real way and see how i fair, even if only to compensate for my non-flexibility because i just do not see me ever reaching past my toes, it's just not something i strive to do.
in 6 weeks i get to do it all over again and in said time i do hope to see some major improvements. doesn't have to be drastic, just major.
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- Underconstruction -
Sunday, March 18, 2007
i've had a burning desire to spruce up our blog page and give it a much needed face lift, so much so, that i am finally putting myself through an abundance of migraine pain and torture to get it done. none of the easy-to-download and readily available templates that are offered feel like 'me'. puh-leeze bear with me for the next few days or weeks (possibly months at the rate i am moving) while i slowly grasp the concept of html codes and all that other computer-geek jibberish. i am trying to add more behind the scenes stuff and i am a novice, aka its a very slow process. so for now when you visit our page and the links take you to a place near narnia or the pictures look scattered and messy...just know that i am trying to make this kickass :)
and as for the comments...my absolute favorite part of all things favorite, i don't know why the new template doesn't automatically allow for them but its definitely on my gotta'do list. so sorry, but your not getting of that easy, the comment section will prevail.
UPDATE: i have added a music player to this page. yippeeee! you will find it in the right hand column, under DANCE DANCE. to play the music you click on the little downward arrow that is on the left hand side of where it says 'select a station' to find my only playlist (called kristrae's beating drums). click on my playlist and it takes a moment but will start playing automatically. so if you think about it, you are just 2 clicks away from utter and total enjoyment while you read.
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- Going Somewhere At 100.9/Litre? -
Friday, March 16, 2007
 Not even the big bad oil man himself could keep us at home today. we took a very scenic, uber pretty drive to banff. no real reason for going other than we wanted too.
i'm not overly acquainted with the mountains so i enjoyed myself very much. remy slept the whole drive, both their and back, so that made him an even more pleasurable shopping companion. lindsay is a banff veteran so he was our tour guide for the day. should have seen him pointing out the 3 sister mountains and their village or whathaveyou, awfully knowledgeable for a prairie boy :)
we definitely want to go back again when we have a little more time to spend there and the weather is a tad warmer (or we take jackets!). 
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- Everything from 'Dirrty to Demure' -
the christina concert was a hit. smashing really.
pussycat dolls opened up and it was then that i was a little afraid my gal pal lisa might get hit by a few flying elbows from the hardcore p.c.d. hoodie wearing hoochie grooving chick beside her, but that never happened, and we got to enjoy some good burlesque dancing, a bit of lip-syncing and lots of cool leathery outfits.
then, former x-tina but now a much classier christina performed her little ass off until far beyond my bedtime. between the swing dancing and her newly appointed jazz band, i lost count after 10 costume changes.
the absolute coolest element was the interlude where a handful of performers came out to a 1950's centered circus theme: large clown-like man on stilts, fire throwers, trapeze artists flying around above the stage and some other crazy things that i'm still not to sure about.
i'm sure lance's (ie; the only male audience member volunteer) favorite moment of the evening was the 3 minutes of him being tied up to a bulls-eye center stage and being taunted by mrs. christina alongside her female dancers in leather (possibly the only fabric in hollywood?) with whips.
i dunno, that's lance's prerogative if it is but i'm sticking with the circus freakish show as my most preferred part.
it was, as borat would say, 'vry niiice!'
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- 4 More Sleeps Till Show Time -
Sunday, March 11, 2007

christina has recently been quoted saying that she and her husband have 'naked sundays' together. lucky for my eyes she will be here on a thursday. lucky like a fox.
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