- My First Muthas Day - Monday, May 14, 2007

geology rocks! and so does mothers day.

who doesn't like being woken up by two cute boys saying "HAPPY MOTHERS DAY"?...or happy any thing any day.

my first mothers day was pretty cool. on saturday i was surprized with an 'i heart u cake love remy' from dq and sunday i got a super sweet jogging stroller. i love presents, and who wouldn't love those presents?

so that was the gift side of things and then theres how it all went on sunday night (after the photoshoot with the new stroller).

we watched shrek on tv, then remy fell alseep early and preceeded to sleep until after 8am the next morning.

- Here I Come - Saturday, May 12, 2007

spring that is ;)

and i am stoked to get on my gardening gloves and plant flowers! i'll do ANYTHING to avert attention from the red deck.

pick your battles they say though, and that's exactly what were doing.

the red deck was freshly painted 2 summers ago and the lady who previously owned our house used 13 gallons to get the job done. get the job done as in, paint the deck red (and the fence. yes the fence is red too).

not only has our red deck just been painted but we are plain and simply put, exhausted of painting (for now). yah yah i know, i say that all the time and then something else gets painted..

(IF ANYTHING is going to be painted, next in line is our family room, unfortunately not the deck.)

soooo while all of the redness is an eye sore, its not like, an obvious-in-need-of-tlc-kind-of-eye-sore but we just like it to be known that we greatly disapprove of this tragedy.

the temporary solution is flower planting but that's like putting a band aid on a bomb victim. is a pretty little carebear band aid really going to camouflage a bloody massacre?

probably not.

alas, i've been looking through all the flyers and making a point to cruise by the plant section of all the stores that have them to ensure i have seen every possible plant arrangement and type of flower there is here in calgary.

i just don't want to feel cheated once i plant my own and then see something better. that is just too huge of an emotional risk .


kristen, lindsay & remy


youtube. gmail. hotmail.


i'd like to read a story in the newspaper that ends with "but she was just having a bad dream," ... "really, shes okay." --a softer world.


Birthday Supper @ Cheesecake Cafe
Infuriation At Its Finest
Blog Lazy
My First Muthas Day
Here I Come
Kinda Like One Big Post-It Note
BusyBees With This & That
Easter Weekend
a FAMILYcollage


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