- Life As I Knew It, Isn't Anymore :) -
Saturday, January 27, 2007
you might say i am just a mom. i might say your right.
i have been in the business for almost 5 months and it has already turned my world into something i am not sure i can fully describe.
i truly can not wait to wake up each morning because i am so anxious to see what remy will be capable of doing that day beyond the smiles, cuddles and giggles.
once the day is moving along its play time, meaning watching him grab his feet, a toy, roll around or gnaw on his books. all of these activities are always impressing me because he gets better at it every day. yeah, you should see those endless attempts at chewing the cardboardish books, they are really paying off now! the color is even coming off the pages.
after marvelling his progress its time to chill in the rocker with our feet up (tv off tho i have learned, otherwise he doesn't pay attention to me). there is always a special moment to be had in the rocking chair during quality time, here you can say anything to him and he just shows you love right back. next up we run an errand or two. he doesn't care how far we go or how long it takes us just as long as we go. he always smiles when you put on his cute little coat and are tucking him away in his car seat. to a child every day is a new day, there are so many discoveries to be made and he seems to know that car rides offer an abundance of exploration time.
we just kind of fly by the seat of our pants after that but guaranteed it is great stuff and it is filled with an immeasurable amount of time spent doing patty-cake mad libs or dancing in front of the mirror, in between slobber-finger attacks on the glass. i may not have a career on the go and that might make me just a mom, but i'll take it. gladly i will take it. 
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- All Things Sweet -
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

there is nothing more perfect than being greeted with a huge toothless grin from your son in the morning, espeically when he holds off until 9am to give it to you {and then crashes for another 2 as soon as he eats}. but in all fairness its not his fault he needs to catch so much shut eye. lately remy's days have been filled with constant exploration. this includes but is not limited to inspecting new faces and roughing up the familiar ones , make your heart melt giggles, rolling over for those who are quick enough to catch a glimpse, voguing out infront of the mirror....scaring himself...and then voguing out again. such a pretty boy :)
i just lOvE him so much!
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- janvier -
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
to kickstart the new year we have cleaned out and organized our basement. might sound boring but it was almost a little bit liberating. i like to hang on to every old thing, i have a story and an excuse behind every item of why it should not be shipped off or tossed out. luckily lindsay didn't buy into many of my counter excuses otherwise i can't see our 4th level looking much different than from when we started out. but just so were all on the same page, he also had a diffcult time setting his goods free.
anywho, its done. the basement is tres clean and goodwill isn't going to know what to do with themselves when sift thru all of our treasures, but i think our sanitation tech might have a few choice words for us next week.
we've also had a little bit of goodness come our way over the past 10 days.
first of all we mistakenly received an upgraded high chair (not extensively tho, were talking a few dollars here, okay crimestoppers? so put down your phones). normally if i am involved it goes the other way and i get the short end of the stick. i'm more than positive karma will come to bite me in the ass but for now i am going to enjoy being treated by a multi-billion dollar corporation.
then lindsay was offered an oilfield related sales job from out of nowhere (more details on that later).
january has been keeping us in good spirits for sure!
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